Tragicmulattoes's Blog

July 28, 2010

Hello All

Filed under: Uncategorized — tragicmulattos @ 2:56 pm

I am on a much-needed vacay but still around. See ya’ll in a few weeks!

Random story

I’ve been in Europe for a few weeks now. I was on the bus in London yesterday (Oxford Street area to be exact), and the bus driver’s supervisor got on and told him to change the bus route (I guess to avoid some construction ahead). Many people on the bus groaned in frustration-but most eventually calmed. However, a particularly angry Italian passenger babbled loudly in Italian then yelled “Niggers. You’re ruining Europe!”

I kid you not-BOTH men were South Asian of some sort (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh). Everyone looked mortified but nobody said a word.

Another random thought:

Is it just me, or are most Rastafarian men “involved” with white women? I swear I’ve seen at least a dozen thus far.

Anyway, hope you all are having a wonderful summer!


  1. I’m not surprised what the Italian shouted if you take into consideration how they treat darker skinned people in their own country and what they do in America and elsewhere. I’ve seen movies where SE Asians have referred to themselves as Black and a white woman referred to her mixed child the same although the father was Pakistani…but believe me they make a difference between themselves and Blacks for sure.

    I’ve been on some sites where Rastas have actually berated their partners for not training white women in the ways of their community. Rastas have no allegiance to the Black race as one would think…they’re now just like the rest of our men. I see them in my own neighborhood in NY with non-Black women and their children and it’s clear they have totally distanced themselves from Blacks period. Most Black men in the UK do not date or associate with Black women there as you can see for yourself.

    Comment by Odile — July 29, 2010 @ 7:02 pm | Reply

  2. Just so you both don’t carried away with conformational bias. Your observations on Rastas and Black men not dating/associating with Black women is BOLLOCKS!!

    Obviously it depends which parts of London you visit. You still need to do more “getting around” as far I can tell!! And your friend needs to actually visit the UK.

    Comment by Kwamla — August 12, 2010 @ 4:35 pm | Reply

  3. Kwamla, I have visited the UK on more than one occasion, in fact. Also, Rasta women have spoken on this issue severally. Rastas aren’t as “conscious” as initially thought to be. Ask Bob Marley’s sons for his legacy now will rest in the hands of their wife women.

    Comment by Odile — September 3, 2010 @ 6:52 pm | Reply

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