Tragicmulattoes's Blog

June 24, 2010

When Tragic Mulattos Use Scientific Racism…

To justify their identity, you should be neither surprised or offended. The White supremacist perspective on “racial realism” expresses the belief that race is a biological and scientific reality and that different races have inherent qualities and capacities that can be measured/predicted accurately along those racial lines. This is why you often hear people like AD Powell say “stand on your own genetic feet”, or Mixed White Advocate author Vanguard say “Hey, can you prove YOU’RE NOT inferior?…like other idiotic multiculturalists you deny scientific reality”.  Remember this as you become familiar with their perspectives and goals.

There are actually TWO perspectives on racial realism. According to research conducted by the National Institute of Health, Skin color diversity (and *genetic* diversity) is actually highest among Sub-Saharan Africans. This is important to note because it flies in the face of many assumptions about GENETIC race, and confirms that race is a matter of our social interpretation of our physical world.  This is the version of racial realism generally accepted by the scientific community (and anyone familiar enough with different types of people to know that just because you share skin color/appearance with someone doesn’t mean you are similar). Race is real because we  interact with each other based on assumptions made from appearance. It is a social reality, not a genetic reality. Two perspectives: one social, one genetic.

It’s funny that people who believe they are making “genetic contributions” to the Black race don’t realize their  argument implies that their genetic Blackness (although less visible) “contaminates” the White race, and therefore a racially conscious White society may be right in excluding them. Sounds familiar? This is the scientific premise of the one drop rule. They actually support this logic.

Although they often rely heavily on “scientific” logic to strengthen their argument, this is usually done with strategic omissions of contemporary scientific truth. View the charts below created by Zach/Vanguard (I must commend him for his “passion”):

The second chart is even funnier:

He states the following rationale:

…look at this composite of negro-cauacasian hybrids, negroes from Africa, and caucasians. Note the distinctions in racial phenotype. Color eyes from brown to blue, skin tone from brown to white, thin and medium lips, curly or semi-curly (as opposed to woolly) hair, a protruding nose of moderate or thin width, a rectangular face, unpronounced cheek bones(WHAT? LOL), are all caucasoid or caucasoid derived racial traits. Most are absent in pure negro populations. Now, as you can see, the mixed-race faces span a range of phenotypes between negro and caucasian. Use the perfect averages in the previous slide to evaluate these faces. In the general population, most mixed-race people fall into a range from the midpoint of the “mixed spectrum”, to several faces towards the caucasian pole. This exactly matches their genotypic ancestry, which is approximately 60% caucasian and 40% negro. The near perfect correlation between anthropometry and racial admixture has also been confirmed by scientific studies. Clearly, negro physical traits are neither dominant nor prevailing.

I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw these charts because he claims to be a student of sociology at Western Illinois University. Online universities don’t even play that mess!

Let’s start with his data set: pics of celebrities and google images of Africans, Europeans and Middle Easterners.  It does not occur to him for a second, that there is an inherent bias in the selection of Black Americans and Biracial celebrities as data representative of biracial people. It does not occur to him to at least use the same (or nearly the same) number of faces for each category (not that this would strengthen his conclusions by much), and lastly, if your Whiteness is about your European heritage, why are you using pics of White people who aren’t European at all-some of which coming from populations with non-Caucasian/White admixture? White people are assumed more genetic and phenotypic diversity than their beloved science actually states to be true, and Black people are given less. Coincidence? I doubt it. Even his second computer generated chart gives one typographic visual representation of Blackness and Whiteness (mind you the first and second charts don’t actually support each other when it comes to defining visual Blackness and Whiteness).

Anthropometry has been denounced as an accurate measure of race for generations now. But Vanguard and AD are on a mission to resurrect scientific racism-and use it for their “benefit”.

By the way, here is an African American with significant/recent European ancestry (according to African American lives-“19%”):

What does this tell you about someone’s genes & gene expression? What does it tell you about what someone’s appearance can communicate, and what their biological makeup might be?

It’s a crap shoot.  Just Ask these folks:

There is no chart you can point to (sorry Zach). There is no computer software you can use (lol) to accurately predict what your child will look like, and what social reality they will have due to their looks. According to Zach, the brother on the right should have more claim to his “European heritage” than his apparently “inferior” twin brother who will be relegated to the dreaded “tar bucket”.  These two boys, born at the same time, to the same parents, with the same genetic ancestors.

Can we honestly say that a movement that supports scientific racism  is really a movement that wants an egalitarian racial society and personal identification????


  1. This is n example of the side of mixed race politics I cannot stand. People like Zack and Tiger Woods want to do anything to hide their African ancestry. In his rant I doubt that he considered that most blacks in the “New World” are mixed race because of rape and coercive sex. The majority of us who look mixed race are not touting it as a great advantage becuse we know the exploitation that our female ancestors went through. Western Illinois University is a bonnafide university, but I doubt a crazed moron like this goes there.

    Comment by eshowoman — June 25, 2010 @ 7:19 pm | Reply

    • Being mixed through love and marriage one generation ago is not the same as being mixed (potentially) from rape 7 generations ago, so trying to make them seem the same either genetically (10% vs. 50+%) or socially (a right to pride from lawful heritage vs. shame for historic wrongs) is quite sad. I’m just so glad no one can ever even guess I’m part black, because quite frankly I’m done with the pathetic jealousy, hostility and outright dumb-fuckery of the black ”community”. I pass all the time without even trying, now I won’t bother to correct anyone anymore or defend black folks when white, Asian, and Latino racists talk shit on you guys (which is far more than you’d ever know). What’s the point when all you guys do is shit on us? Officially done and out and GLAD of it!

      Comment by Mixed chick — January 21, 2013 @ 7:29 pm | Reply

      • “I’m just so glad no one can ever even guess I’m part black,”

        I know you are, hun. This blog is for you.

        Comment by tragicmulattos — March 2, 2013 @ 2:24 am

  2. ALSO Vanguard is a white supremacist site. This guy is drinking the same kool aid as Leo Felton a mixed race white supremacist who was caught after planning to blow up black and Jewish landmarks in Boston.

    Comment by eshowoman — June 25, 2010 @ 7:23 pm | Reply

  3. I must say it’s awfully comical observing Zach and his co-horts attempting to apply/manipulate science to validate their congenital racism against Blacks. Since they have Black blood coursing through their veins it goes without saying they are willing to accept inferiority to whites. I’m going to post a link to Zach’s own words admitting what I just stated.

    Comment by Odile — June 25, 2010 @ 7:27 pm | Reply

  4. What…exactly does this dude think he’s going to accomplish with his dreck? You’d think that he would at least try to appeal to mainstream society, but instead he’s trying to kiss up to ppl with fringe views on race like white nationalists and neo-cons. People who will never accept him as an equal let alone as white. *facepalm*

    It’s painfully obvious that his blog is aimed at begging whites for acceptance and inclusion. You’d think he’s be more concerned with encouraging “mixed whites” to claim their white ancestry regardless of what other ppl think, including whites. Or something.

    I could be wrong but doesn’t Powell only advocate a white identity to people who have a white phenotype? That can pass?
    I’m pretty sure that she makes a distinction between multiracial whites and mulatto’s. :/

    I’m sure Zack only includes “intermediate” looking people because he is one apparently, if he where otherwise I seriously doubt they would be included.

    Comment by bubbly — June 25, 2010 @ 9:37 pm | Reply

    • I would love for Zack and ADPowell to explain Baby Nmachi the very light octoroon looking baby of two dark skin nigerian parents, Ben and Angela Ihegboro.

      Tragicmulattos you need do a post on Sandra Laing and Baby Nmachi

      Comment by ImBack — October 12, 2013 @ 3:29 pm | Reply

  5. LMAO Im glad you brought this up the genetic markers one has and ACTUAL gene expression are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!! LMAO, but you cant tell that to someone you is desperately trying to prove the inherent inferiority of one group! I have said this at Abagonds and I will state it here I have close relatives in Nigeria..some on which have “intermediary” phenotypes. This means nothing, for they are 99% Sub-Saharan African genetically! Vangaurd’s theory wades into murky waters when he makes statements like: Note the distinctions in racial phenotype. Color eyes from brown to blue, skin tone from brown to white, thin and medium lips, curly or semi-curly (as opposed to woolly) hair, a protruding nose of moderate or thin width, a rectangular face, unpronounced cheek bones, are all caucasoid or caucasoid derived racial traits. Most are absent in pure negro populations.

    Sure, certain races/populations have higher proportions of certain characteristics than others but be not deceived race is continuous and not discrete. There are no “black features” nor “white features”. The broad noses often associated with black Africans are found in high proportions amongst East Asians. The sharp noses and slim lips Vanguard considers “Caucasoid” are common in the Horn of Africa, the Middle East, South Asian and Persia.

    Comment by Y — June 26, 2010 @ 1:27 am | Reply

  6. Zach will eventually have a moment like the racist Michael Levin mentioned in this excerpt below. I’ve also run across blogs of racists like Levin who became upset upon realizing some of their cohorts were anti-semitic as well. I’m going to post a comment and link where Zach discussed bonding with latino racists because they dispised Blacks. Let’s hope they are the ones who will have the honor of “redesigning” his mug like the teen in Minnesota.

    Many photos emerge from the American Renaissance conferences organized by Jared Taylor, where white “racialists” posit their theories about black IQ, black crime and the perils of non-white immigration. One of the more poignant was snapped in 1998.

    Standing side-by-side are Glayde Whitney, Ph.D., a geneticist at Florida State University, and Michael Levin, Ph.D., professor of philosophy at City College of New York.

    Whitney, in addition to theorizing that black people have inherently lower IQs than whites, was four years from publishing a piece in a Holocaust denial journal on how Jews promoted racial equality because, in his words, “if the whites could be convinced to accept blacks as equals, they could be convinced to accept anyone.”

    Comment by Odile — June 30, 2010 @ 3:31 pm | Reply

  7. LMAO Im glad you brought this up the genetic markers one has and ACTUAL gene expression are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!! LMAO, but you cant tell that to someone you is desperately trying to prove the inherent inferiority of one group! I have said this at Abagonds and I will state it here I have close relatives in Nigeria..some on which have “intermediary” phenotypes. This means nothing, for they are 99% Sub-Saharan African genetically! Vangaurd’s theory wades into murky waters when he makes statements like: Note the distinctions in racial phenotype. Color eyes from brown to blue, skin tone from brown to white, thin and medium lips, curly or semi-curly (as opposed to woolly) hair, a protruding nose of moderate or thin width, a rectangular face, unpronounced cheek bones, are all caucasoid or caucasoid derived racial traits. Most are absent in pure negro populations.

    Comment by Antonino Radford — July 12, 2010 @ 9:30 am | Reply

  8. @Mixed chick
    Being mixed through love and marriage one generation ago is not the same as being mixed (potentially) from rape 7 generations ago, so trying to make them seem the same either genetically (10% vs. 50+%) or socially (a right to pride from lawful heritage vs. shame for historic wrongs) is quite sad.

    Wow what an arrogant, ignorant thing to say. Black women were subject to rape and sexual exploitation by white men until the 1970’s. White women who had black children through consensual relationships gave them up for adoption until the late 1960’s. I have friends that are “mixed” because of both these circumstances. It was black families who loved and nurtured these children not their white families.

    What exactly is the “right to pride from lawful heritage.” Why are you so proud of being white (whatever that means) and so scornful of your black ancestry?

    I’m just so glad no one can ever even guess I’m part black

    I am too. Some people who claim mixed race identities celebrate both identities and their are people like you. You who probably raised in a white community and taught that being black was something to be ashamed of, something that you had to hide. I celebrate the fact that my maternal grandparents are from Wales and South Asia, and acknowledge that my paternal grandmother wore the fact that she was the product of generations of forced concubinage in her white skin and straight hair, but I am still black. Proudly and unashamedly black. You are sad, self hating young woman and I hope that you will grow up soon.

    Comment by Friday Foster-ABWW (@eshowoman) — March 2, 2013 @ 3:55 am | Reply

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